Monday, December 19, 2016

Learning Adobe Illustrator (OFFSET)

what is offset path tool in adobe illustrator?

Offset can also mean out of line or sets off. When we compare what "offset" do, inside adobe illustrator especially in creating objects, adobe illustrator might say "I will create another 'object' from the object you selected" by object means anything we created inside adobe illustrator. Yes another object not just a path.

after offset had been applied, another object appeared just beneath or above the selected object.

try to separate.

so, how will I create an offset? wait.
before anything else, what "offset" do to your graphic design?

offset can serve as a frame to almost any object you wish to have one.

just like this one,
a frame from google.

imagine offset as frame or border that will separate the content for example, painting, from the wall where it will be mounted.

from our observations adobe illustrator offset can be used as.

1. separator from background

from the example,
I used offset here to separate the same color of the text from the background objects, offset serve as a stroke of the text to make it more apparent.

2. A border

when creating a border from web buttons.
in here I set a negative (-) offset

3. it can also used to define depths of an object.

by moving the offset part you can make it as a shadow as well as a highlight in combination with gradient tool.

4. Increase the boldness of a text or an object

Where can you see the offset tool inside adobe illustrator?

 you can create an offset in two ways...

Object => Path => Offset Path...

just make sure you selected at least a single object.

or you can see Offset Path under

Effect =>Path => Offset Path

You can use the Offset path under Effect if...

in case you're in an active type and don't make an outline out of the text. 

or, you're working with the appearance panel.

either way you can do both ways.

(I'm not finished yet, this blog is continuously updated and serves as my learning blog)


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