Monday, December 19, 2016

Shape Builder Tool in Adobe Illustrator (Shift + M)

Shape Builder Tool ( Shift + M )

thinking about combining multiple objects that should be together? Instead of grouping objects (Ctrl+G) into sets, shape builder tool can also function the same as group but the main reason why we should use shape builder instead of group is that, shape builder tool unites objects as one they now share the same path.

for example we want to make an eyeball out of shapes or lines inside adobe illustrator

When we compare group from the shape builder tool,
select both of the eyeballs, as you can see the group just selects the grouped objects as a set of object,
while the shape builder tool merge the intersecting paths resulting to less points and paths. meaning less data or lesser size when we save it.

reminder just for the sake of comparison we just use the 'group' command to 'shape builder tool', of course we can use both method to achieve the same results, group it first so it's not hassle to select each of the path later on when combining together different objects or paths.

how we merge objects using shape builder tool in adobe illustrator?

for example we want to lessen the paths and points of this chicken balls on stick.

1. in order to function shape builder tool, we need to select the object we want to merge, in this case the chicken balls (ellipses) and the stick (rectangle) 

2. having the shape builder tool, hover the move (shape builder tool) over the part of the object. as you can see when you hover it a net pattern will appear over the desired object. 

3. just simply left click and hold and drag across the path you want to merge.

you should see a broken line across the paths, the net pattern determines what paths will be merged.

when you release the mouse button the color will update based on your fill and stroke color.

if not you can easily change it later if you want to.

as you can see the rectangular path across the ellipse are now merged as one shape and you get rid of the extra paths that may lessen the vector size.

We can outline the advantages:

1. lesser paths and points, meaning lesser vector size.
2. merge objects as a whole. 

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